Fishing tourism


The experience of bluefin tuna from its catch to the table. 
Monday to Friday € 125 p / p 
Tasting menu € 25 p / p

Bluefin tuna is a protected species and for this reason, a very small number of vessels is dedicated to tuna fishing. We offer you the opportunity to approach the sea as you have never seen and discover the ins and outs of artisanal fishing by professional fishermen. The visitor becomes for one day a crew member of an artisanal fishing vessel and shares a work day as another sailor. You can see all the navigation maneuvers, the operation of fishing gear, learn the customs of Bluefin Tuna and other marine species that populate the Strait of Gibraltar. You can also see a novel fishing art brought from Japan, the Greenstick or Palo Verde. At the end of the day, the Fishermen's Market of Tarifa is visited, where it is shown how it is prepared for commercialization.
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